Invest smarter with greater impact: Unleash sustainable change in food and agriculture

Farm with MEATOSYS Container

We do not replace agriculture, we are a part of it

Instead of killing off the traditional farming business we create a hybrid model that gives farmers a profitable purpose with increased revenues from cultivated meat. We leave no one behind!

we scale everywhere

We scale everywhere

Instead of concentrating on expensive centralized factories, our production takes place on farms all around you. This concept needs a lot less CAPEX and resources so we can scale even more with less

meat is truly unique

Our meat is truly unique

We use stem cells from the animal’s umbilical cords instead of genetically engineered cell lines. Our meat is as unique as the individual animals’ genetic code: More biodiversity, more options to choose from for the consumers

what consumers want

Our meat is what consumers want

Our meat comes from a farm instead of an industrialized gigafactory. We can trace every piece of meat’s origin to a specific unique animal living on that farm. Variety in taste, transparency in production, sustainable consumption with a clear conscience, it’s all there in one neat package

Sustainability done right

Sustainability done right

We believe in sustainability, for everyone involved! Our approach is the only one that achieves a true symbiosis of traditional agriculture and cutting-edge biotechnology without destabilizing the world we know and the countrysides we love

Ready to revolutionize agriculture?

Contact us for further inquiries and let us discuss how we can revolutionize agriculture together

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